Arwen is a great name. :)

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Yes, I agree. I love it.

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Well, I would assume so as you named your daughter Arwen. :)

I think for me, as well as it being a lovely name, the loveliness is increased by the beautiful story given to it by Tolkien.

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Tolkien is certainly my greatest inspiration when naming my daughter Arwen. He captured feminine virtue in such a compelling way in writing her character. And because we are in an actual story, the name reminds my daughter what sort of character she needs to be.

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Lovely! I think that she's blessed to have this deep reasoning behind her name. We don't see that a lot nowadays.

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thanks Lennox, enjoyed the read as usual, providential post after welcoming our daughter yesterday. God bless you and family

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Amazing news! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. May she embody feminine virtue and cast a bright light in all dark places. And may the Lord grant you much strength and wisdom as you raise her in the fear of the Lord.

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