The Deadliest Ideology in Modern History
Exposing Feminism and its Aggressive Opposition to Christianity and Civilization
Feminism stands as one of the deadliest ideologies in modern history, having claimed the lives of hundreds of millions of unborn children through its relentless advocacy for abortion. Its influence extends beyond this tragic toll, shattering households and eroding the distinctions between men and women—culminating in the current crisis of transgenderism. Despite this devastating legacy, many have embraced its mantras and morals, with even Christians unwittingly drinking from its poisoned well.
Some may counter these claims by suggesting that these radical expressions are a distortion of feminism’s original intent, which was to promote and protect women’s rights. However, it is crucial to underscore that feminism was never a noble idea. The notion that its early iterations were virtuous is a fallacy—a revisionist attempt to obscure its insidious nature. This assault on history, and by extension on truth, seeks to neutralize any resistance to the destructive ideology at its core.
At its foundation, feminism is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity. These two worldviews cannot coexist without contradiction. Feminism is rooted in atheistic Marxist theory and defiantly rejects God’s design for masculinity, femininity, marriage, family, sex, and fertility. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the pioneers of feminist thought in the mid-19th century, famously declared: "The Bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling block in the way of women's emancipation." Her rebellion against God laid the groundwork for the extreme manifestations of feminism we witness today—manifestations that seek nothing less than the eradication of Christianity, patriarchy, and the family unit.
Consider the chilling account of Mallory Millet, who in the 1960s observed a feminist gathering led by her influential sister, Kate Millet. The meeting began with a series of questions aimed at galvanizing their mission: “Why are we here today?” “To make revolution,” came the reply. “What kind of revolution?” “The Cultural Revolution.” “And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” “By destroying the American family!” “How do we destroy the family?” “By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried. “And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” “By taking away his power!” “How do we do that?” “By destroying monogamy!” Their final answer was even more startling: “By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, and homosexuality!”
Feminism has long masked itself as a movement advocating the highest good for women. In reality, it has sought to undermine and cheapen everything that God has declared good. This is no innocent revolution; it is one driven by a determination to steal, kill, and destroy—following a playbook straight from the devil’s manual. Betty Friedan, a key figure in the feminist movement, further illuminated this agenda in her influential book The Feminine Mystique. She claimed that women who "adjust" to life as housewives, aspiring to be "just a housewife," are in as much danger as those who perished in the concentration camps—enduring a "slow death of mind and spirit." Friedan’s rhetoric reveals a profound disdain for femininity as defined in Titus chapter 2. To her, the glory of womanhood lay in adopting the traits of masculinity—a reflection of feminism’s underlying agenda: the politicized envy and emasculation of men in the quest for power.
Feminism is often defined as the belief that society is fundamentally structured to advantage men and oppress women—a structure deemed unjust. Yet, beneath this veneer lies a more sinister reality. Feminism is a God-hating movement that seeks to dismantle societal hierarchy in pursuit of power, emasculating men and defeminizing women under the guise of gender equality and women’s rights.
One of feminism’s ultimate goals is androgyny—the erasure of all distinctions between men and women. This pursuit represents a form of cultural and spiritual death, an attempt to eradicate the Imago Dei by redefining what it means to be human. By distorting humanity’s perception of the divine image, feminism propagates a culture of sterility and death, convincing women to reject their God-given role as nurturers and persuading men that their responsibilities as protectors and providers are obsolete.
To oppose feminism is one of the most loving actions one can take on behalf of women. Feminism is not necessary to save, help, or value women; God’s Word is sufficient for that. Far from offering a cure, feminism perpetuates the very corruption, discord, bitterness, discontent, and rebellion it claims to address. In Christ, the true essence of femininity is found, upheld, and cherished. Those who embrace this truth live in genuine freedom and harmony.