Have You Believed the Lies of Feminism?
The Subtle and Insidious Influence of Feminism on Men and Women
The pervasive impact of feminist ideology often goes unnoticed by those who believe themselves immune to its influence. Many fail to recognize how subtly it shapes their thoughts and actions. This very subtlety makes feminism a greater threat, as those unable to discern its insidious effects may unwittingly succumb to its poison.
Cultivating wisdom to resist these subtle influences begins with self-examination. For women, consider the following questions: Do you believe that building a career is more important than nurturing a family? Do you think you can fully enjoy both homemaking and a career without any sacrifices? Do you view yourself as a perpetual victim simply because you are a woman? Do you see the prevalence of men in various fields as inherently unjust? Do you find yourself competing with men rather than complementing them? Do you consider immodesty and promiscuity as forms of female empowerment? Do you delay marriage as long as possible? Do you view the idea of having children as a burden or even a curse, with sterilization seen as normal? Do you believe a woman should have the right to abort her baby? Do you look down on women who have large families? Do you struggle with the concept of wives submitting to their husbands? Do you support the idea of women preaching in church? Are your choices driven by the fear of being abandoned or oppressed?
Men, ask yourselves: Do you believe that being soft and agreeable makes you more attractive to women? Do you think the standards for being a good husband are the same as those for being a good wife? Do you view your wife’s domestic duties as oppressive? Do you constantly fear offending women, especially your wife? Have you bought into the idea that a “happy wife means a happy life”? Have you abandoned chivalry for fear of offending an “independent-thinking woman”? Do you expect your wife to share equally in the roles of provider and protector? Are you afraid of marriage and fatherhood? Are you generally ashamed of being a man?
If you find yourself answering “yes” to these questions, take heart: there is hope. Christ the King has crushed the serpent’s head, and the lies of the serpent will not prevail against the truth. The truth will set you free. Believe, rejoice, and obey.
As Christians, it is our duty to resist lies and strive to propagate beauty and truth in all things. To combat feminism and foster true femininity, consider these steps:
1. Believe in the Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture
If we are not governed by God’s Word, we will be governed by idols. The battle between good and evil is fundamentally a war of words—words of truth against words of lies. The lies of feminism can only be withstood and defeated by the truth. This truth is exclusive to God, perceived, and ordained by Him alone. He has revealed this truth through His Holy Word, which is sufficient to equip us for everything He has called us to know, believe, resist, and build. Christians must love, know, proclaim, and live by this Word. Without it, victory over lies will remain elusive.
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8).
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2).
2. Embrace and Delight in the Distinctions Between Men and Women
Men and women are different, and this difference is good. God designed men to be strong, wise, responsible, courageous, and conquering—builders, protectors, providers, and leaders in their homes, churches, and societies. These qualities are foundational to a flourishing society and should be celebrated, not shamed.
If you’re a man, embrace your role as a protector, provider, and leader. Build things, love those you are responsible for, and resist the culture’s attempts to weaken you. Lead your families and churches in worship, recognizing that worship is a form of warfare. Lead your nations with moral integrity and seek to establish justice.
Men inevitably become emasculated when they don’t know what they are for. Masculine glory is the firm hand under which everything true, beautiful, and good flourishes. It ought not to be shamed and despised. It should be embraced and upheld as a foundation for free and flourishing societies.
God designed women to be helpers, nurturers, life-givers, and child-bearers—pouring themselves into serving, building, loving, and beautifying everything around them. When a woman steps outside of this design, it dishonors her and defies God’s mandate. There are things God does not permit women to do for their own good and God’s glory: To fight and be involved in war (Deuteronomy 22:5), to normatively govern as civil magistrates and law enforcement (Isaiah 3:12), to rule over their husbands (1 Peter 3:5), to abandon their homes (Titus 2), to be immodest (1 Pet 3:3), to preach or assume church rulership (1 Timothy 2:8-15).
If you’re a woman, nurture, care, and beautify everything and everyone around you. Avoid materialism and stop idolizing careers and affluence. Do the truly life-giving things that will last far beyond your lifetime. Reject the lie that it is good to submit to a boss but oppression if you submit to your husband. Reject the world’s attempts to make you embrace infertility through long academic pursuits, careers, and social acceptance. This may sound strange, but you don't realize the degree to which your best years of life have been hijacked so that you can be somebody who gives the government your taxes and bosses your labor rather than being a wife and mother who can have a direct influence on society for many centuries to come. Don’t let the world steal your glory.
3. Build a Culture of Life and Fruitfulness
If you are single, pursue marriage. If you are married, embrace fertility and have as many children as God allows. Feminism promotes androgyny because God’s enemies despise fruitfulness. Fruitfulness is a powerful weapon in our Christian arsenal and should be wielded effectively. While the world sows a culture of death, we must build a culture of life—one that enables God’s creation to thrive and flourish.
4. Repent Where Sin is Recognized
Reflect on what governs your life—God’s all-sufficient Word or the world’s ideas that seek to undermine Him? Examine why this truth might be uncomfortable for you. Sin is always the reason we resist truth and choose to worship our desires, feelings, and peers rather than God. Look to Christ as the only Savior, who bore the full wrath of God on our behalf, granting us redemption and eternal life. His freedom allows us to see and savor what is truly beautiful and good while discerning, despising, and rejecting what is ugly and evil. Feminism is a cancer that must be defeated with God’s truth and beauty. His glory alone should compel us to reject feminism’s lies.
In conclusion, know this: God is not a feminist, and as His image-bearers and redeemed children, neither should we be.
Do you have any book recommendations on this subject for further study? Interested in this topic. Thanks for the encouraging article.